Hiring Employees in Senegal
Spoken Language
French is the official language, but Wolof is the main local language.
Average hours & Overtime
Regular hours and overtime rates of pay are set out in employment contracts or collective agreements. The stipulated working hours are 40 hours per week (5 days) excluding lunch break.
Wages and salaries
There is no global fixed minimum wage.
For each trade there is a minimum wage specified in the collective agreement of the trade concerned
Observed National Holidays and vacation
Paid public holidays include
1- le Nouvel An, 2- Fête de l’Indépendance, 3- le lundi de Pâques, 4- la Fête du Travail, 5- Jour de l’Ascension, 6- l’Aïd al-Fitr (Korité) ,7- Lundi de Pentecôte, 8- l’Aïd al-Adha (Tabaski) , 9- Assomption , 10- Achoura (Tamkharite) , 11- Magal de Touba, 12- l’Aïd-el-Maoulud, 13- Toussaint, 14- Noël
Paid Leave
Employees are granted 24 days of paid annual leave. Maternity leave is a minimum of 14 weeks of paid leave which can be extended by 21 days if medically certified.
Expats, Visas, & Work Permits
Employers are responsible for obtaining work and residence permits for their expatriate employees. Foreign investors must obtain an expatriate quota permit to employ expatriates.
Termination Notice
The notice period depends on the type of contract and the employee status.
However, for the Interim contract, there is no notice period. The contract can be terminated at any time
Statutory Deductions
Scheduled payroll deductions include:
IPM (Health Insurance)
Income Tax (Impôt/Revenu)
Health Insurance
(70% reimbursement)
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